New Mexico Parents, Educators & Health Professionals Demand Answers from Meta’s Zuckerberg on AG Report, Call for Kids Code Legislation

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023

Dozens Sign Letter After AG Torrez Lawsuit Accuses Instagram, Facebook of Facilitating Child Harassment, Exploitation & Trafficking in New Mexico

Learn more about New Mexico Kids Code bill

ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Today, more than 50 New Mexican parents, educators and health professionals sent a letter to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg demanding answers on the harms caused to children and teens by Meta’s platforms Instagram and Facebook, as detailed in a recent lawsuit filed by New Mexico’s Attorney General. 

The community letter calls out Zuckerberg’s knowing neglect of child safety, accuses his company of obstructing constructive efforts like the New Mexico Kids Code, and demands that Meta stop funding anti-kid lobbying efforts in Santa Fe.

“As organizations and individuals representing New Mexico families, educators, and health care workers, we speak with one voice to say the dangers your platforms systematically expose our kids to are unacceptable,” the letter’s 52 signers wrote to Zuckerberg. “We call on you to stop opposing the New Mexico Kids Code and to stop funding the lobbying campaign against it. If you continue to finance NetChoice’s harmful lobbying, Meta, you will be choosing ill-gotten profit over the safety and well-being of young people.”

Meta’s Big Tech lobbying front group, NetChoice, spent big this year in a desperate scramble to oppose the parent-supported New Mexico Kids Code. A revised version of the bill is expected to be introduced early next year for consideration during the state legislature’s abbreviated 2024 session.

Find the full text of the letter below.


Dear Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg: 

As New Mexico stakeholders fighting for kids’ safety online, we demand answers. Earlier this  month, our state’s Attorney General, Raúl Torrez, joined the bipartisan majority of Attorneys General nationwide in calling out your company for its harms to children and teens.  

New Mexico’s lawsuit against your company reveals shocking new information about harms your platforms have caused in our state, including facilitating sexual harassment, exploitation and the trafficking of minors. As organizations and individuals representing New Mexico families, educators, and health care workers, we speak with one voice to say the dangers your platforms systematically expose our kids to are unacceptable.

That’s why we’re renewing our call for state legislators to pass the New Mexico Kids’ Code. This legislative model, also known as the Age Appropriate Design Code, is the global gold standard for protecting children and teens’ privacy online. In the UK, where your company endorsed it, the kids’ code approach has shown early success improving the online experience for young people. Don’t the youth of New Mexico deserve the same protections?

Evidence shows that Meta as a company and you as an individual fully understand the harms you’re exposing kids to here in the U.S. From defunding safety teams to refusing suggestions from your own top experts on the subject, Meta is reckless by design, and New Mexico’s kids are the ones who suffer. As Attorney General Torrez stated: “Mr. Zuckerberg and other Meta executives are aware of the serious harm their products can pose to young users, and yet they have failed to make sufficient changes to their platforms that would prevent the sexual exploitation of children.” 

Meta is not only failing to address the issue; you are actively opposing our efforts to protect kids here in New Mexico. By funding NetChoice, the trade group lobbying to block accountability for design choices that hurt kids, you are obstructing efforts to pass Kids Code legislation in the US, including here in New Mexico. We call on you to stop opposing the New Mexico Kids Code and to stop funding the lobbying campaign against it. If you continue to finance NetChoice’s harmful lobbying, Meta, you will be choosing ill-gotten profit over the safety and well-being of young people.


Adam Sullins – Parent
Adea Armijo – Grandparent
Amber Harwood – Teacher
Amy McConnell Franklin – Licensed Mental Health Counselor 
Andra Mezzetti – Parent
Andra Dallas – Parent
Audra Johnson – Substitute Teacher & Parent
Bernadette Mullins – Parent
Brenda Montoya – School Counselor
Brie-Anne Stout – K-8 Teacher
Cara McCulloch – Educational Assistant and Parent
Christopher Daul – Campaign Manager
Daisy Kates – Community Member
Danielle C. – Parent
Don Topper – Mayor, Cochiti Lake
Donna Hamlet – Parent
Erin Armijo – Primary Teacher & Parent
Hazel Correa – Parent
Jessica Luevano – Teacher
John Stearns – Community Member
Judith Gordon – Community Member
June Parsons – Community Member
Karen Miller – Community Member
Katherine Morgan – School Health Assistant
Kimberly Romero – Community Member
Laura E. – Parent and Teacher
Lisa Cheshire – Reading Interventionist
Luisa Pennington – Teacher
Luke Jungmann – Candidate for State House
Lydia Dallas – Teacher, Union Member, and Parent
Lynne McMahan – Education Consultant 
Machel Jordan – Community Member
Maggie Burgess – Community Member
Martina Moore – Parent
Mary Morse – Community Member
Matthew D. – Parent
Mikaela Klock – Community Member
Nathan Mullins – Parent
Pam Neas – Community Member
Pamina Deutsch – Community Member
Paul Benavidez – Parent
Paula Burgett – Parent, Grandparent, Teacher
Rachel Gard – Parent
Rebekah Deane – School Counselor
Ron Abramshe – Community Member
Sandra Humelsine – Teacher
Sephen Farkash – Community Member
Sharon Martinez – Parent
Shirley V Mullins – Grandparent
Stephanie Hansen – Parent, Educational Assistant
Vani Aran – Parent
Victoria Perez – Parent
