California Kids Code
Maryland Kids Code
Minnesota Kids Code
New Mexico Kids Code
Vermont Kids Code

How it Works

Impact of AADC

1 in 8 Instagram users under the age of 16 said they had experienced unwanted sexual advances in the past seven days.
26% of Instagram users under the age of 16 said they had a bad experience on the platform in the last week due to witnessing hostility against someone based on their race, religion or identity.
81% of 14 to 22-year-olds say they used social media either “daily” or “almost constantly.”
50% of parents of children feel their children’s mental health has suffered over the last year due to social media.
46% of teenagers said they lose sleep daily due to feeling “stuck” on social media platforms.
75% of the top social media platforms use AI to recommend children’s profiles to strangers.
Christine McComas, Mother from Maryland
Andrew, Young person from Maryland
Ella, Young person from Minnesota
Casey Mock, former Amazon lobbyist

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